If you have an event you would like to submit, please fill out the request form.
September 1 - 15, 2003
Meteorite Display at Teton County Library
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming. For entire schedule see Meterorite website.
August 20 - September 15, Teton County Library, Jackson, WY
Contact: Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium website
September 1 - 31, 2003
NASA @ Your Library
This brand new interactive exhibit uses the "cool factor" of space to interest children in math and science, and to make people aware of the unique benefits of doing science in orbit. Fun activities on flat-screen computers allow curious minds to puzzle over floating water droplets and spherical candle flames, marvel at the beauty of the Earth seen from orbit, and learn what living in space is really like. Space buffs can put their knowledge to the test: Do people's spines "stretch out" without the compression of gravity, making them taller in orbit? How can you take a shower when the water droplets float around? What happens to boiling water in space, since the bubbles don't rise? And what can we learn about the environment by looking down at the Earth from space? For more information go to the NASA @ your library website.
September 1 - 31, Missoula Public Library, Missoula, MT
Contact: 406-523-2860
September 3, 2003
Mars Party
During the last week of August and the first week of September Mars will be closer to the Earth and appear larger and brighter, than at any time in the past 60,000 years. The Astronomy Department of the University of Washington and the Seattle Astronomical Society will host a special "Mars party" on "Red Square" at the University of Washington's Seattle campus from 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM. Dr. Toby Smith will give a lecture in Kane Hall at 9PM where he will present and describe the recent spacecraft images of Mars, their spectacular and puzzling results, and NASA's plans to search for water and life when two Mars rovers land and explore regions of the Martian terrain in January 2004. By the time the lecture ends Mars will be in view on Red Square. The Seattle Astronomical Society will have telescopes aimed at Mars and other celestial objects for public viewing through the late evening. People of all ages are invited. Children are welcome. This is a public service; there is no charge and no tickets are needed. For more information see the University of Washington's Department of Astronomy's website.
September 3, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: University of Washington Department of Astronomy, 206-543-2888
September 8 - 29, 2003
Electronic Universe
Friends of Pine Mountain Observatory offers three space science outreach education programs for K-12 students, teacher professional development and the general public. Participants are taught the process of science within the context of modern astrophysics and are introduced to the latest technologies and methods of measurements while performing research on data collected by the observatory. Includes computer laboratory, sky viewing and lectures. For more information see NASA Oregon Space Grant website or the Friends of Pine Mountain Observatory materials for teachers and students website.
September 8-29, various locations, OR
Contact: Rick Kang, Outreach Education, PO Box 5795, Eugene, OR or email at
September 9 - 18, 2003
NASA's Starship 2040
Starship 2040 is a traveling NASA exhibit that invites you to experience what space flight in the year 2040 will be like and introduces you to the technology being developed today that will take us to this future. For more information see Starship 2040 website.
September 9-12, Challenger Learning Center, Kenai, AK
Contact: Challenger Learning Center of Alaska website
September 13-18, The Imaginarium, Anchorage, AK
Contact: The Imaginarium website
September 13, 2003
Closed Ecological Systems Workshop
Join UW Fisheries Professor Frieda Taub for a four-hour Saturday workshop on how to construct closed ecological systems for your classroom that simulate the Earth's biosphere with a collection of photosynthetic organisms, their grazers and associated microbes that can sustain each other for weeks, months and even years! This workshop is for teachers of grades 6-12. Find out about the "Fish in Space" experiments that flew on the Space Shuttle. Participants will receive materials about NASA Earth Science resources. For more information see NASA's Washington Educator Resource Center Free Teacher Workshops website.
September 13, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Washington NASA Educator Resource Center, 206-543-1943 or [email protected]
September 15, 2003
Educator Open House at The Imaginarium
Join us at The Imaginarium after-hours to tour Starship 2040 and explore our new Take Flight! exhibit. NASA Education specialists will be on hand to provide an overview of NASA's educational workshops and materials. For more information see website.
September 15, The Imaginarium, Anchorage, AK
Contact: The Imaginarium website
September 17 - October 13, 2003
Meteorite Display at Glenrock Branch Library
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming. For entire schedule see Meterorite website.
September 17- - October 13, Glenrock Branch Library, Jackson, WY
Contact: Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium website
September 20, 2003
Journey to the Giant: Galileo Wrapup
Dr. Ron Hobbs, Solar System Ambassador for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will review the Galileo spacecraft's epic mission and what it has uncovered about our solar system at The Museum of Flight. In December of 1995, the Galileo spacecraft entered orbit around Jupiter. Since then, Galileo has made thirty-four orbits of Jupiter, closely examining the giant planet and four of its largest moons. Late next year, carrying out one final experiment, Galileo will be crashed into Jupiter, culminating a truly remarkable scientific odyssey. A Q&A session will follow Dr. Hobbs' multimedia presentation. For more information see Museum of Flight website.
September 20, Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA
Contact: Museum of Flight, 206-764-5720
September 29 - 30, 2003
Wyoming School Improvement Conference
Teacher professional development conference sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Education, the Wyoming North Central Association, and the Commission on Accrediation and School Improvement will give you practical, hands-on information to help you improve your school. For entire schedule see SIC website. To register see registration website.
September 29-30, Parkway Plaza, Casper, WY
Contact: Wyoming School Improvement Conference website
