If you have an event you would like to submit, please fill out the request form.
Jan 6-9, 2003
American Astronomical Society Conference
Meeting of professional astronomers. Research papers and invited talks are presented. S2N2 sponsoring an exhibit on African-American space scientists. Sponsored by AAS.
Jan 6 - 9, 8:30 am- 6:00 pm, Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle, WA
Contact: www.aas.org or Diana Alexander,
Jan 25
Workshop: Exploring Meteorite Mysteries
NASA aerospace education specialist Brian Hawkins will present activities on meteors (interplnetary rocks and dust traveling through Earth's atmosphere), meteorites (what we call the same materials after they've landed on Earth's surface), and meteor craters. Participants will receive a curriculum book and other materials, as well as being certified to borrow meteorite and lunar samples from NASA. Sponsored by Washington Space Grant.
12:30 - 4:30, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: www.waspacegrant.org/teaworkshops.html or Julie Lutz,
