If you have an event you would like to submit, please fill out the request form.
July 23 - August 18, 2003
Meteorite Display at Big Piney Branch Library
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming. For entire schedule see Meterorite Web site
July 23 - August 18, Big Piney Branch Library, Big Piney, WY
Contact: Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium Web site
August 1 - 31, 2003
NASA @ Your Library
This brand new interactive exhibit uses the "cool factor" of space to interest children in math and science, and to make people aware of the unique benefits of doing science in orbit. Fun activities on flat-screen computers allow curious minds to puzzle over floating water droplets and spherical candle flames, marvel at the beauty of the Earth seen from orbit, and learn what living in space is really like. Space buffs can put their knowledge to the test: Do people's spines "stretch out" without the compression of gravity, making them taller in orbit? How can you take a shower when the water droplets float around? What happens to boiling water in space, since the bubbles don't rise? And what can we learn about the environment by looking down at the Earth from space? For more information go to the NASA @ your library Web site.
August 1 - 31, Bozeman Public Library, Bozeman, MT
Contact: 406-582-2401
August 2 - 10, 2003
The Space Spot
The Space Spot is a traveling astronomy exhibition developed and produced by Pacific Science Center with funding from the National Science Foundation. For more information see The Space Spot Web site.
August 2 - 10, Everett Mall, Everett, WA
Contact: Space Spot Tour Supervisor, Marabeth Rogers at (206) 443-3656 or
August 3 - 8, 2003
Oregon Teachers Touching the Sky 2003
A new program for newly licensed elementary teachers about the knowledge, practices and culture of astronomy. Learn in the field from a trio of professional and amateur astronomers about the sky and developing space science curriculum for your classroom in an expenses-paid, stipened week at the University of Oregon's Pine Mountain Observatory. A Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute IDEAS Grant Program. See http://nova.georgefox.edu/ott/
August 3 - 8, Pine Mountain Observatory, Bend, OR.
Contact: Greg Bothun, University of Oregon, at
August 8, 2003
Teacher Give-Away Day (K-12)
In anticipation of their move this fall, Washington NASA Space Grant, the NASA Educator Resource Center and the University of Washington Earth & Space Sciences are cleaning out their closets and holding their first "Give It Away" Day. Books, posters, rocks and other scientific goodies will given away free from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. August 8 at Johnson Hall on the UW Seattle campus. Come to the NASA ERC in Johnson 401 for a "map" of the "give-away" locations. For more information see WA NASA Space Grant Consortium's Electronic Newsletter for Teachers, June 17th Issue
August 8, University of Washingtion Campus, Seattle, WA
Directions: See Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium's Web site
August 14 - 17, 2003
Sixth Annual Mars Society Convention
The Mars Society was founded to further the exploration and settlement of the Red Planet. The International Mars Society convention presents a unique opportunity for those interested in Mars to come together and discuss the technology, science, social implications, philosophy and a multitude of other aspects of Mars exploration. Highlights of the convention will include the report from the fourth field season of the Devon Island Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station, the second season of the Mars Desert Research Station, the building of the EuroMARS in Iceland, status reports from the Translife Mars Gravity Biosatellite Mission and Analog Rover teams, panels and debates concerning key issues bearing on Mars exploration and settlement, and keynote addresses from many prominent leaders of the effort to get humans to Mars. See www.marssociety.org/convention/2003/index.asp
August 14 - 17, Eugene Hilton Hotel, Eugene, OR.
Contact: Erik Carlstrom, Oregon Chapter President, at ,
August 16 - 24, 2003
The Space Spot
The Space Spot is a traveling astronomy exhibition developed and produced by Pacific Science Center with funding from the National Science Foundation. For more information see The Space Spot Web site.
August 16 - 24, Cascade Mall, Burlington, WA
Contact: Space Spot Tour Supervisor, Marabeth Rogers at (206) 443-3656 or
August 20 - September 15, 2003
Meteorite Display at Teton County Library
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming. For entire schedule see Meterorite Web site
August 20- - September 15, Teton County Library, Jackson, WY
Contact: Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium Web site