November 2, 2004
NASA Messenger Mission flyby Venus
The Messenger Mission is a scientific investigation of the planet Mercury. Understanding Mercury, and the forces that have shaped it, is fundamental to understanding the terrestrial planets and their evolution. Messenger will flyby Venus on three occassions and enter Mercury orbit after two flybys that will help focus its scientific investigation of this mysterious planet. The spacecraft is expected to orbit Mercury for one year. For more information see NASA SSE Messenger website or the Messenger Mission website.
November 2, 2004, Venus
Contact: NASA OSS Messenger Mission website
November 18-20, 2004
NSTA Regional
To enhance professional development and provide networking forums for science educators, NSTA annually conducts a national convention and a series of area conventions. These events attract over 30,000 attendees annually. At the conventions, teachers may choose from hundreds of workshops, demonstrations and presentations covering every discipline, grade level, and teaching focus. They hear nationally renowned speakers address the hottest topics in science education and learn about the latest breakthroughs from experts in the field. For more information, visit NSTA's website.
November 18-20, 2004, Seattle, WA
Contact: NSTA, 703-243-7100
