If you have an event you would like to submit, please fill out the request form.
Feb 1, 2003
STARLAB Training
Astronomers, graduate students and staff at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy will learn to operate the portable planetarium STARLAB for use with two new lab courses and for EPO purposes. K-12 Hawaii teachers are joining them. Interested teachers in Hawaii should use the contact below for more information on training or presentations.
Feb 1, University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy (IfA) Library, 2680 Woodlawn Dr., Honolulu, HI, 96822
Contact: Mary Ann Kadooka, , (808) 956-7954
Feb 5 - Mar 3, 2003
Meteorite Display at Greybull Branch Library
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming.
Feb 5 - Mar 3, Greybull Branch Library, Greybull, WY
Contact: Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium, wyomingspacegrant.uwyo.edu/
Feb 11, 2003
Passport to Knowledge Broadcasts on Auroras
Passport to Knowledge, in partnership with NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Educational Forum, will be producing a new program next year on auroras: "Live from the Aurora" (part of NASA's Sun-Earth Days, 2003). This science special will air on participating PBS stations and NASA Television -- free for all educational networks, noncommercial cable systems, schools, and science centers and planetariums, and supported by teacher-tested hands-on activities and web resources connecting real-world to the National Science Educational Standards. The Web site will also house PDF files with teacher-tested, inquiry-based hands-on activities. Register your interest in partcipating at the Web site below.
13:00-14:00 Eastern Time on participating PBS stations and NASA Television.
Contact: passporttoknowledge.com/sun/main.html
Feb 22, 2003
Live from the Aurora
The theme for Sun-Earth Day 2003 will be Live from the Aurora. Learn how various cultures explain the aurora and discover the scientific explanation for this awesome phenomenon. The workshop will include activities on light, magnetic fields and interactions between the sun and the earth. Participants will receive a Live from the Aurora kit from the Sun-Earth Connection Space Science Forum. Sponsored by the Washington NASA Educator Resource Center.
12:30 pm- 4:30 pm, 401 Johnson Hall, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: www.waspacegrant.org/teaworkshops.html or Julie Lutz,