If you have an event you would like to submit, please fill out the request form.
October 1 - 13, 2003
Meteorite Display at Glenrock Branch Library
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming. For entire schedule see Meterorite website.
September 17 - October 13, Glenrock Branch Library, Jackson, WY
Contact: Glenrock Branch Library website
October 2 - 3, 2003
Idaho Science Teachers Association's 2003 Annual Conference (ISTA)
This year in October the Idaho Science Teachers Association will again hold its annual conference where we will celebrate past scientific anniversaries, reinforce and rejuvenate both new and seasoned science teachers, examine and promote best teaching practices, and also inspect, endorse, and encourage the new State Standards. Join us this year in Idaho Falls for a "Night with Marie Curie" and many exciting sessions and topics to help each of us become even better teachers. The conference is October 2-3, 2003. For more information go to ISTA's Fall Conference website.
Oct 2-3, Skyline High School, Idaho Falls, ID
Contact: ISTA website
October 4, 2003
Museum of Flight Teacher Open House
The annual Teacher Open House from 10AM to 5PM introduces local teachers to information on all of the formal and informal education programs and tours at MOF. Teachers can pick-up copies of the Education Guide and Camp Brochure, view samples of their pre-visit and post-visit packets and sign-up for a free teacher membership. Events throughout the day include a variety of aviation- and space-related organizations/exhibitors offering programs, services and resources for educators and students. There will be abbreviated presentations of several formal education programs. You can also try a sampling of hands-on activities from a variety of these programs. This year also features a reservation-only Progressive Breakfast/Tour of Boeing Field (where a representatives from each facility will talk to educators about their business and any resources or opportunities they offer for teachers and students) and an Educator Lunch (featuring astronomer David Levy as the special luncheon keynote speaker). For more information go to the Museum of Flight's 2003 Educator Open House website.
October 4, Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA
Contact: Museum of Flight Education Dept. Curriculum Development Manager at 206-768-7167, or e-mail
October 4 - 10, 2003
World Space Week
Teachers everywhere are invited to use space during World Space Week to excite students about math, science, and other subjects. Declared by the United Nations as October 4-10 annually, World Space Week is celebrated in some 50 nations. K-12 teachers can get activity ideas in the free World Space Week Teacher Activity Guide. To show students that space, math, and science are "cool," Lance Bass of NSYNC is serving as World Space Week 2003 Youth Spokesperson. Students can compete for the chance to meet Lance in person by doing the "Lance's Lab" activity during World Space Week. (This activity is on http://www.spaceweek.org/ and in the Teacher's Guide.) Teachers have a chance to get a $500 grant by simply reporting on how they use space in their classroom during World Space Week.
October 4-10, world-wide
Contact: World Space Week website
October 8 - 11, 2003
National Association of Biology Tachers Conference (NABT)
NABT's National Convention gives biology educators an opportunity to interact with one another, learn about research and technological updates, participate in hands-on workshops, present their own research papers, join field trips, meet special invited speakers, and honor their outstanding colleagues-recipients of the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award, as well as other awards. For more information go to NABT's website.
Oct 8-11, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR
Contact: NABT Phone (800) 406-0775 or
October 9, 2003 - POSTPONED
NASA Astronaut John B. Herrinton Speaks on American Indian Education
Commander John B. Herrington, a NASA Astronaut and the first Native American in space, will speak on American Indian education. Commander Herrington was aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour from November 23 - December 7, 2002. This event is open to the public and admission is free. Sponsored by the UW American Indian Science and Engineering Society. For more information go to Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium's website.
Oct 9, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Contact: Tammy Mack, 307-766-6228 or email at
October 9 - 11, 2003
25th International Conference on Learning Disabilities (ICLD)
Achieving Success in High-Stakes Environments: Effective Assessment and Intervention Practices. The Council for Learning Disabilities International Conference features topical sessions, workshops, keynote speakers, invited sessions, exhibits, and more. This carefully designed program is of special interest to: special educators, general educators, teacher educators, speech/language clinicians, researchers, paraeducators, administrators, consultants, state agency personnel, and students. For more information go to the Council for Learning Disabilities' website.
Oct 9-11, Doubletree Hotel, Bellevue (Seattle), WA
Contact: phone 571-258-1010 or Council for Learning Disabilities' website.
October 9 - 11, 2003
Washington Science Teachers' Association 2003 Annual Conference (WSTA)
Science Exploration: Preparing for the Future. Washington State University's scientists will provide you with insights into cutting edge research in food safety, biotechnology in medicine, food production, environmental protection, cancer identification and prevention and much more. There will be field trips in the surrounding region covering natural history, ecosystems, food production, environmental management, food production and research in many science areas. For more information go to WSTA's website.
Oct 9-11, Compton Union Building, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Contact: John McNamara, 509 335 4413 or or WSTA Conference website
October 10, 2003
Oregon Science Teachers Association's Fall Conference (OSTA)
Science at the Summit. Learn about the geology and geography of the area from local presenters. Choose from the many workshops sessions being planned or plan to present one yourself. Join us Friday evening at the High Desert Museum for a behind the scenes look at the exhibits. Stay an extra day and take part in a local field trip to learn more about Central Oregon . For more information go to OSTA's website or OSTA's Conference website.
Oct 10, Summit High School, Bend, OR
Contact: OSTA phone 503-534-9112 or write P.O. Box 80456, Portland, OR 97280-1456 or email Marsha Beardslee at
October 10 - 11, 2003
Classroom Connect's Connected Classroom Conference (CCCC)
The Connected Classroom Conference helps teachers become better teachers. This year, more educators can avail themselves of this experience, since the state's professional development day falls within the conference schedule! Come learn new things and share with your colleagues the most current insights, strategies and tools to use. For more information go to Connected Classroom's website.
Oct 10-11, Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, WA
Contact: Connected Classroom phone (800) 638-1639 or Connected website
October 15 - 31, 2003
Meteorite Display at Tate Geological Museum
A meteorite display has been created with a grant from the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium to educate the public about meteorites and their impact. The topics covered by the exhibit include meteorite classification, impact frequency, impact localities in the world and in the western US, how to hunt for and identify meteorites, meteorite mythology, and economic importance. One of the goals for this project was to get community members around the state interested in space science, and make educational tools available for public viewing. The display is currently traveling to libraries and museums in Wyoming. For entire schedule see Meterorite website.
October 15 - November 10, Tate Geological Museum, Casper, WY
Contact: Tate Geological Museum website
October 18, 2003
Simply Stars
Join NASA Educator Resource Center Director Dr. Julie Lutz for a discussion on stars and constellations of autumn, winter and spring. Learn about prominent constellations, stars and special objects like nebulae, star clusters and planets in the setting of the University of Washington Planetarium. Dr. Lutz will relate readily-observable objects to the processes of stellar evolution and to NASA's plans for solar system exploration. Participants will make star finders and receive materials about stellar evolution and NASA solar system missions.For more information see the NASA Washington Educator Resource Center's Free Workshops for Teachers website.
Oct 18, Physics/Astronomy Building A216, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Contact: Washington NASA Educator Resource Center, 206-543-1943 or
October 18, 2003
Hawaii Science Teachers Association's 2003 Fall Conference (HSTA)
This half-day conference will cover updates on the direction of science instruction for Hawaii, astrochemistry, QuarkNet. for high school physics, T1-*# Plus Calculator sessions, NASA aeronautics for the Centennial Anniversery of Flight, the science of food, and elementary and middle school FOSS programs. For more information go to HSTA's Fall Conference website.
Oct 18, Punahou School Science Center, Honolulu, HI
Contact: Hawaii Science Teachers Association's 2003 Fall Conference website
