Download the Astounding Astronomy 2003 application form. Applications due
April 4, 2003.
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A registration fee of $75 for Washington educators covers participant costs including materials, instruction, most meals (all but 5) and lodging. Some meals and parking ($8 per day) on the UW campus are the participant's responsibility. Participants (except for those living near UW) will be required to stay on campus on Monday and Tuesday nights for observing sessions. Housing for the workshop will be in single rooms in a UW residence hall.
Credits & Clock Hours

Participants may pay $163 for university credits (4) or $40 for clock hours (40) for the workshop. Participants who take the workshop for university credit will be required to complete one of a selection of several activities or projects to receive credit. These activities/projects will require a maximum of 10 hours of additional work beyond the workshop sessions.