For detailed descriptions of the Washington Science EALRS visit Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

1.2 Systems and Interconnections: Physical Science
     (4) Structure of Matter (grades 6-10

1.2 Systems and Interconnections: Earth and Space Science
     (7) Components and Patterns of Earth Systems (grades 6-10

1.3 Changes in Matter and Energy: Physical Science
     (2) Forces to Explain Motion (grades 6-10)

1.3 Changes in Matter and Energy: Earth Science
     (6) Interactions in the Solar System and Beyond (grades 6-10)

2.1 Scientific Inquiry
     (3) Explanation (grades 6-10)

2.2 Problem Solving
     (2) Designing and Testing Solutions (grades 6-10)
     (3) Evaluating Potential Solutions (grades 6-10)

3.1 Nature of Science
     (2) Limitations of Science and Technology (grades 6-10)
     (3) Dealing with Inconsistencies (grades 6-10)
     (5) Evolution of Scientific Ideas (grades 6-10)

3.2 Science, Technology, and Society
     (1) All Peoples Contribute to Science and Technology (grades 6-10)

Last updated Feb 20, 2003