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Training for Scientists

Space scientists looking for training in the area of education have several useful programs to choose from. Scientist training focuses on training scientists and engineers to play effective roles in improving k-12 science education and how to work in conjunction with educators and students. The following list is a collection of education training opportunities for space scientists. As for the necessary memo writing service, it can be said that our editors from https://writer-elite.com/memo-paper/ wok hard to make sure the customers always receive the best assistance available.

Project RISE
Project RISE (Resources for Involving Scientists in Education) conducts workshops and publishes materials to help scientists and engineers play effective roles in improving K-12 science education. In fulfilling its mission and meeting its goals, RISE draws on both educational research and practice, and is part of the Center for Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education.


Space Science Institute (SSI) Education Workshop for Scientists, Engineers, and EPO Managers
NASA's Education Program has provided funds for the Space Science Institute to develop and present a four-day workshop for scientists, engineers, and science outreach professionals affiliated with university programs, NASA centers and missions, research organizations, and Space Grant colleges. Participants will learn about science reform, the science education system, and how to improve and align their own education and outreach activities.


University of Washington, The Physics Education Group
The Physics Education Group at the University of Washington conducts a coordinated program of research, curriculum development, and instruction. Current projects include improvement of student learning in introductory physics; preparation of future physics faculty; and preparation of precollege teachers to teach physics and physical science as a process of inquiry.


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