The following collection of space science related links are organized by forum topics and missions. We've also posted some of them on the main page at
Informal Education and Public Outreach Organizations Professional Societies Selected NASA Programs
The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) More than 550 science centers, science museums, and related organizations in 43 countries comprise the current membership of the Association of Science-Technology Centers. Together, these institutions form a network committed to increasing the public understanding of science and making science enjoyable for everyone.
Challenger Centers The Challenger Center for Space Science Education is devoted to promoting scientific literacy by teaching about the exciting theme of space exploration. The Challenger Learning Center Network currently consists of state-of-the-art, innovative educational simulators located across the country. Staffed by master teachers, the core of each Center is a two-room simulator, consisting of a space station and a mission control room patterned after NASA's Johnson Space Center.
Planetariums Loch Ness Productions is the world's foremost producer of planetarium products including show production, music, artwork, and publications. They maintain an extensive listing of planetariums all over the world, with over 750 in the US alone. To get to the listings from the main page, click on the "links" option in the menu to the left.
Space Science Institute The Space Science Institute seeks the integration of scientific research, education, and public outreach through more active and effective involvement of the space and earth science research community in K-12 education. The Institute offers a variety of services including educator workshops, exhibits and curricula development. They are also home to one of seven NASA SMD Broker/Facilitators.
Starbase Programs Starbase partners with the Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, Marine Corps and Navy personnel to provide K-12 students and teachers with hands-on, real-world applications of math and science through experiential learning, field trips, simulations, and experiments in aviation and space-related fields. Students learn how math, science, and technology skills are put to use in aircraft and ship maintenance, flight simulation, meteorology, and navigation in the air and at sea, and have the opportunity to operate actual aircraft or ship simulators or computer simulation programs. Starbase targets under-represented and at-risk youth and uses a motivational module to teach children how to set and achieve goals, take positive action in their lives, and build strong self-esteem. Air Force Reserve Starbase Info: Air National Guard Starbase Info: Navy Starbase-Atlantis Info: Locations:
Windows to the Universe Windows to the Universe is a user-friendly learning system on the Earth and Space sciences for the use of the general public, specifically students and educators of all levels. It includes a rich array of documents, including images, movies, animations, and data sets that explore the Earth and Space sciences and the historical and cultural ties between science, exploration, and the human experience. SMD proposers have the opportunity to work with the Windows to the Universe project to create education and public outreach materials for their mission.
Astronomical Society of the Pacific The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), the largest general astronomy society in the world, is comprised of amateur and professional astronomers. With the support of the National Science Foundation and NASA, the ASP sponsors Project ASTRO, an innovative program to pair amateur and professional astronomers with teachers and classes. Organization: Project ASTRO: E/PO Information:
American Astronomical Society The American Astronomical Society (AAS) is composed of professional astronomers interested in contributing to the advancement of astronomy. The society is also focused on education, and provides classroom materials, curriculum, information on reviews and conferences, and links for education and public outreach. Organization: E/PO Information:
American Physical Society The Education and Outreach division of the American Physical Society strives for the improvement of graduate physics, undergraduate physics, and pre-college (K-12) science education. They also sponsor programs designed to increase the number of women and minorities in physics. Organization: E/PO Information:
American Association for the Advancement of Science The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), is the world's largest general scientific society. One of their primary goals is to foster education in science and technology for everyone. To help accomplish this they created Project 2061, a long-term initiative to reform K-12 science, mathematics, and technology education nationwide. Through groundbreaking research and innovative books, CD-ROMs, and professional development workshops, Project 2061 uses their expertise as teachers, researchers, and scientists to help make science literacy a reality for all students. Organization: Project 2061: E/PO Information:
American Association of Physics Teachers The American Association of Physics Teachers supports the physics education profession and the advancement of quality and effectiveness in education. The organization provides programs, publications, and other information for physics educators at the high school, 2-year college, and 4-year college levels. Organization:
National Science Teachers Association The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is the largest organization in the world committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA's current membership of more than 53,000 includes science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in and committed to science education. Organization:
National Council on the Teaching of Mathematics The mission of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is to provide the vision and leadership necessary to ensure a mathematics education of the highest quality for all students. NCTM is the world's largest mathematics education organization and producer of several important publications including Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, four professional math journals, and the world's largest math event. They also offer professional development, grants and awards, and legislative and policy leadership. Organization:
NASA Science Mission Directorate Mission E/PO Programs The best source for space science mission information is through the Office of Space Science mission page. Here you will find an updated and comprehensive list of past, current, and future space science missions. Missions are organized by their stage in development (under study, in development, operating, past missions) and by their mission name or acronym.
NASA Quest NASA Quest is a place to learn about NASA people and programs. Through profiles, lesson plans, activities, Q&A, and more, students and teachers are connected to NASA.
NASA Homepage The resources formerly found on the NASA Spacelink site are now linked from the NASA Homepage. There, you'll find a comprehensive electronic library that contains current information related to NASA's aeronautics and space research. Teachers, faculty, and students will find information about NASA programs and projects in addition to teacher guides and pictures that can enhance classroom instruction.
TeacherLink TeacherLINK is an online educator resource provided by the Young Educator Technology Center and Utah State's College of Education. The site includes a searchable list of annotated education links and provides free lesson plans, worksheets, multimedia, and more.
MURED: Minority University Research and Education Division MURED's mission is to achieve the involvement of minority institutions in NASA sponsored research and education. They strive for academic excellence while advancing America's leadership in science and technology.
Classroom of the Future at the Center for Educational Technologies The Classroom of the Future program researches and develops educational technology materials. They provide products and services to the community in order to improve math, science, geography, and technology education.
Science Education Gateway (SEGway) SEGway is a national consortium of science museums, research institutions, and educators working together to bring space science research to students, teachers, and the general public. They have produced educational materials for NASA space science missions, including HESSI, FAST, CHIPS, and STEREO/IMPACT.
Observatorium The Observatorium is a public access site for earth and space data. Games, images, and educator resources are accompanied by information on space science, flight, earth, and aeronautics.
