The following is collection of Solar System Exploration related links.
Space Science Education Resource Directory
The Space Science Education Resource Directory is a convenient way to find NASA space science products for use in classrooms, science museums, planetariums, and other settings.
Exploring Planets in the Classroom: Hands-on Activities
Exploring Planets in the Classroom introduces the solar system, planetary properties, volcanology, craters, gradation, gravity, rockets, and remote sensing. Classroom-ready activities are also provided.
My Universe: K-12 Space Science and Physics Educational Resources
My Universe provides classroom materials based on Mars, Saturn, physics, scale in the solar system, and comets.
The Nine Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
The Nine Planets looks at history, mythology, and scientific knowledge related to the solar system. Images, sound, and movies are all included.
Planetary Science Research Discoveries
Planetary Science Research Discoveries looks at the latest research on planets and meteorites, and provides a forum to share ideas and discoveries.
Solar System Simulator
Solar System Simulator allows the user to see the view from satellites and planets at specified times and angles.
The Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Project
A project with NASA JPL/Caltech that gives K-12 teachers and students nationwide access a radio telescope via the Internet. Data collected by students are submitted to JPL for inclusion in the database of scientific knowledge used by scientists worldwide. Students participate in Special Mission Projects with NASA scientists in undertaking studies of the solar system.
Southeast Regional Clearinghouse (SERCH) Educator Resources
SERCH, the Southeast region's Broker/Facilitator, has compiled an extensive collection of space science resources. For each planet and the sun there is a large array of online information including classroom activities, images, general facts, and data from related space science missions.
Destination: Earth
Destination: Earth includes information on understanding and protecting the earth, teaching, research, history, and satellites.
Earth and Moon Viewer
This viewer looks at the earth and the sun from satellites, locations found by longitude and latitude, and specific formations on the moon.
Lunar Exploration Timeline
This timeline lists lunar missions by name, date, country and type. It also includes information on the listed missions.
Exploring Mars Classroom Activities
The Lunar and Planetary Institute has developed a comprehensive assortment of classroom activities on the geology of Mars. There are activities for all grade levels and subjects range from martian impact craters to exploring the shadow of Phobos, a martian moon.
The Daily Martian Weather Report
The Daily Martian Weather Report provides atmosphere, weather, temperature, and pressure for Mars. Discussion of the Mars Global Surveyor, an explanation of radio science, and images of Mars are all included.
Live from Earth and Mars
Live from Earth and Mars looks at Pacific Northwest weather, Mars science and engineering, and the Pathfinder mission. It also includes curriculum, workshop materials, and projects.
Mars Team Online
Mars Team Online provides biographies, events, photos, facts, Q&A, a teacher's lounge, and a kid's corner.
Jupiter: The Giant Planet
World Book editors have compiled a collection of articles about Jupiter and human efforts to explore the giant planet.
The Educator's Guide to NEAR
The NEAR site discusses the mission and spacecraft, and provides related teacher information and lesson plans.
Destination: Earth Image Studio and Multimedia Library
The Earth Science Image Studio has an extensive set of Earth-related images with an emphasis on visible earth, and remote sensing images along with several multimedia resources.
Galileo Images
Galileo images taken en route to Jupiter including: Earth, Moon, Venus, Asteroids, Shoemaker-Levy Comet and its impact on Jupiter, Jupiter and the Jovian moons and rings, animations and artwork.
Missions to Mars Multimedia Library
An extensive collection of the many Mars missions images, videos and animations.
Cassini-Huygens Mission Images
Cassini mission to Saturn and Titan images, videos, animations, posters, postcards, lithographs, artwork and more.
Voyager Missions Images Multimedia
Images and mulitmedia from Voyagers twenty five years of exploring the solar system.>
Stardust Photo Gallery
A collection of the Stardust mission photos, images, posters, artwork and more.