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CBOWG Strategic Planning Retreat
Seattle, WA — August 17-18, 2006


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Agenda for the Strategic Planning Retreat

Wednesday, August 16

6:00-8:30 pm Buffet dinner at the home of Julie Lutz

Thursday, August 17

8:30-9:10 am Introduction
  1. Participant introductory activity "circles" (things in common; things that are different about their OST activities as youth)
  2. Go over goals and objectives of meeting (facilitator leads)
9:10-10:20 am OST people, organizations and projects
Remarks from guest OST professionals—10 min each with 20 min for general discussion afterwards (In this session there will be time for 4 people to talk; 2 to one prompt and 2 to a different prompt).
  • What are a few of the major needs of OST programs with regard to STEM content and materials? (Cathy Jordan, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory; Jason Freeman, Coalition for Science After School)
  • What are some models for and major issues involved with education of and continuing professional development for personnel who are providers of OST programs? (Janet Frieling, Schools Out Washington, Steve Amick, National AfterSchool Association)
10:15-10:35 am Break
10:35-11:10 am OST people, organizations and projects (cont'd)
More remarks (2 more people for 10 minutes each with yet another prompt; 15 minutes of discussion)
  • What sorts of OST programs, organizations and materials should NASA concentrate on in order to reach its goal of having a more diverse STEM workforce? (Maryann Stimmer, Educational Equity Center at AED)
  • What are some models for and major issues involved with evaluating the success of OST programs, particularly those with STEM content and themes? (Georgia Hall, National Institute for Out-of-School Time)
11:10 am-noon OST people, organizations and projects (cont'd)
What do SMD materials look like and what are a couple of examples of things that SMD has done with OST organizations? (Gretchen Walker does an activity from her packet of adapted NASA materials-20 minutes; Shari Asplund talks about activities at the NAA meeting-10 min; Julie Lutz introduces briefly the NASA materials on display-10 min; 10 min for questions/discussions)
noon-1:00 pm Lunch and examination of NASA education materials
1:00-1:50 pm Some current NASA work with CBOs
  • Tim Ewers does a NASA activity he uses in his 4-H work (20 min)
  • Leslie Lowes talks about programs with the Girl Scouts (10 min)
  • Heather Gibbons talks about joint work between Pacific Science Center and the NASA SMD Universe Forum (10 min)
  • Discussion (10 min)
1:50-5:20 pm Needs assessment
A convener will be designated for each of the groups. Participants will rotate between groups, spending 25 minutes discussing each topic. At the end of the session the conveners will summarize the major points that have been made during the small group discussions of each topic on no more than two butcher paper sheets. Issues relating to diversifying the STEM workforce should be considered as part of the discussions of each group. The butcher papers will then be posted on the walls. Participants will have three stars that they can place to mark the points or actions that they think are the most important suggested in each discussion group. After the stars have been placed, there will be a large group discussion led by the facilitator of the items that have the most stars.
  1. Brainstorming group I: What are the best ways for the CBOWG and the SMD ascertain the needs of the organizations and programs in the OST field?
  2. Brainstorming group II: How can the CBOWG facilitate stronger relationships and more contacts between SMD professionals (missions, scientists, Support Network) and OST organizations?
  3. Brainstorming group III: How to define and evaluate success or progress in work done between an OST group and SMD.
  4. Brainstorming group IV: What professional development and/or sharing of lessons learned are necessary for SMD people to work effectively with OST organizations and programs? Also, are there ways that NASA SMD E/PO professionals can help with professional development of OST providers?
1:50-2:00 pm Break to set up brainstorming group sessions
2:00-2:50 pm Sessions a and b
2:50-3:10 pm Break
3:10-4:00 pm Sessions c and d
4:00-4:30 pm Review of sessions
4:30-4:50 pm Placing of the dots
4:50-5:20 pm Large group discussion
6:30-8:00 pm Reception at Silver Cloud Inn with heavy hors d'oeuvres

Friday, August 18

8:30-9:15 am Review of Day 1
Particularly the afternoon discussions. Are we missing anything? Are there reality checks that we need to consider? How do these mesh with the goals? (facilitator leads)
9:15 am-noon Strategic planning
Participants will divide into groups to elaborate on various aspects of recommendations for action (resources needed, timeline, evaluation components, who would take responsibility, etc.). The work of the small groups will be reviewed in a large group discussion (facilitator leads). As a result of comments and suggestions from the large group discussion, the small groups will meet again to refine their work.

The topics considered by the small groups will correspond generally to the four questions considered in the discussions on Thursday. However, since the topics overlap somewhat, the groups should recommend whatever actions they please. Again, increasing the diversity of the STEM workforce should be an integral part of the discussion in all groups.

9:15-10:15 am Small group work
10:15-10:30 am Break
10:30-11:15 am Large group discussion
11:15 am-noon Small group work
noon-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-2:00 pm Strategic planning (cont'd)
The large group will meet to integrate the plans and recommendations of the small groups into a master plan and timeline (facilitator leads).
2:00-2:30 pm The CBOWG mission statement
In the light of the master plan and timeline, small groups will discuss the CBOWG mission statement to see if it reflects accurately the strategic plan that has been put together. If not, alternate statements will be drafted.
2:30-2:45 pm Break
2:45-3:10 pm The CBOWG mission statement (cont'd)
The large group will discuss the mission statement and modifications will be made as needed (facilitator leads).
3:10-3:45 pm Wrap-up
The large group will meet to look once again at the strategic plan and the CBOWG mission statement, particularly to achieve clarity about next steps and responsibilities (facilitator leads).
3:45-4:00 pm Meeting evaluation



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