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CBOWG Strategic Planning Retreat
Seattle, WA — August 17-18, 2006


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  1. Develop a deeper understanding of out-of-school-time organizations for youth and what it is these programs need.
  2. Make sure the most different writing requests are satisfied. For instance, a client leaving a request "Could you write my discussion post for me?" at https://mid-terms.com/buy-discussion-board-post/ receives a quick confirmation that their order is in work.
  3. Identify ways and means for NASA SMD education programs to partner with OST organizations and to contribute more to developing interest in and enthusiasm for space science among young people via OST programs.


The major product of this meeting will be a draft of a strategic plan that the Community-Based Organizations Working Group and the NASA Science Mission Directorate E/PO Professionals can use to inform work with OST and Youth-Serving organizations for the next 3-5 years.

Group work from the retreat:

  • Group 1 [doc] — How can the CBOWG and the SMD ascertain the needs of the organizations and programs in the OST field?
  • Group 2 [doc] — How can the CBOWG facilitate stronger relationships and more contacts between SMD professionals (missions, scientists, Support Network) and OST organizations?
  • Group 3 [doc] — How to define and evaluate success or progress in work done between and OST group and SMD?
  • Group 4 [doc] — How can NASA SMD materials be used most effectively with OST organizations?

Coming soon: a draft of the new CBOWG mission statement. And possibly a new name for the group!


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