Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium http://spacegrant.oregonstate.edu
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry 1945 Southeast Water Avenue Portland, OR 97214 Phone: (503) 797-4551 FAX: (503) 797-4500 Website: http://www.omsi.edu/teachers/nasa/
Aerospace Education Services Program
Aerospace Education Services Program NASA Ames Research Center, MS 253-2 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 Contact: , [email protected] Phone: (650) 604-6077 FAX: (650) 604-3445
Eugene | The Science Factory (formerly the Lane Education Service District Planetarium) http://www.sciencefactory.org/planetarium/
Gresham | The Planetarium, Mt. Hood Community College http://www.starstuff.com/index.htm
Portland | Murdock Planetarium, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry http://www.omsi.edu/visit/planetarium/
Portland | Starlab Outreach Planetarium, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry http://www.omsi.edu/education/outreach/program.cfm?ProgramID=4
Haggart Astronomical Observatory, Clackamas Community College http://depts.clackamas.edu/haggart
James Karle Observatory, Lewis and Clarke College http://www.lclark.edu/~physics/physicsweb/domepage/dome.html
Pine Mountain Observatory, University of Oregon http://pmo-sun.uoregon.edu/
Solar Observatory, Mt. Hood Community College http://www.starstuff.com/solar.htm
Sun River Nature Center and Observatory http://www.sunrivernaturecenter.org/index.html
Veronia Peak Observatory, Northwest Astronomy Group http://www.nwag.portland.or.us/
A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village www.acgilbert.org
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry www.omsi.edu/
WISTEC, Willamette Science & Technology Center www.wistec.org
Oregon Library Association http://www.olaweb.org/
STARBASE Kingsley 302 Bong Street, Suite 19 Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Phone: (541) 885-6472 Director: , [email protected] Website: http://www.starbasekingsley.org/about_us.htm
STARBASE Portland Portland Air National Guard Base Portland, OR Phone: (541) 885-6472 Director: Marilyn Sholian Contact: , [email protected] Website: http://www.mil.state.or.us/starbaseor/starbasepdx/starbase.html
